Thursday, March 10, 2011

Caril de Camarão em Ananás (Shrimp Curry in Pineapple)


- 750 gr of cooked fresh shrimps
- lemon juice
- 2 soup spoons of oil
- 1 chopped onion
- 1 soup spoon of chopped coriander
- 2 chopped tomatoes
- 2 tea spoons of powdered curry
- 1 cup of fish broth
- 2 soup spoons of butter
- 2 soup spoons of wheat flour
- 2 small pineapples

1- Fry the onion on oil and add the tomatoes, the coriander and the powdered curry. Let it cook for 5 minutes.

2- Add the fish broth and the shrimps spiced with some drops of lemon juice. Let it boil in low heat for 15 minutes.

3- Mix the butter with the flour and add this mixture to the shrimps bit by bit to thicken the sauce. Let it cook for a few more minutes and take it off of the heat.

4- Cut the pineapples by the middle and take some pulp off.

5- Fill the empty spaces with the shrimps and adorn your meal with chopped coriander and some pieces of lemon peel.

1 comment:

  1. Pay attention because if the shrimps are already cooked and you let them cook for 15 minutes more they will get kind of rubbery!
